Sunday, August 5, 2012

My first ever blog!

Hello world, I am so excited to be releasing my first blog out into the internet world for readers like yourself to read. To be honest i'm not even sure what I will even be blogging about! Like the title of this blog states, "the blabbering blog." That's pretty much all I have to offer you, is nothing but the finest blab a teenage girl can offer.

I'm 16 years young and am about to start my Senior year in highschool. (I'm anxious, but very excited.) I'm a pretty average girl, I fangirl over attractive celebrities, I blast music way too loud, I am insecure like any other teenager is, and I spend way too much time on the internet.

Throughout my days of typing blogs I'm sure you will get to know about who I am even more. You may be wondering why am I here typing this blog, it's summer and I probably should be out with friends soaking up the manifesting rays of sun. However, I'm obsessed with writing so what better way to excercise my hobby than by setting it off in to the world and see who enjoys reading all my nonsense?

So here's to you, my readers of this blabber spot. Thanks so much for going along with me and taking a look through my brain. I hope you stick around to see what other random blab I have to type! :)

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